Preservica - our new online Heritage Portal
Mercy International Association (MIA) has many primary sources relating to Catherine McAuley and the foundation of the Sisters of Mercy. This archive consists of treasures such as a collection of Catherine McAuley's letters, her writings as well as documents relating to the first House of Mercy. There are also letters written by the early foundresses.
Central to our archival treasures are the illuminated works of Sr. Clare Augustine Moore rsm and Sr. Cecelia Marmion rsm.
What is Preservica?
Preservica is an online tool to store, preserve and make available archival material.
This heritage portal is provided for the inspiration of the Mercy World. It contains a selection of digital images of items from our archive.
What will be available?
We will be making available different materials each calendar month and linking them to key dates in our history.
2024, for example, marks the 200th anniversary of the Deed of Agreement on the plans for Catherine's House of Mercy, so we have shared some of the archival collection related to this event.
On our Mercy Heritage archive you will also be able to explore the Deed of Agreement (December 1824), the plans that Catherine had drawn up for 64a Baggot Street; see her name attached to the Deed of Agreement; admire the beautifully illuminated Register entries for the central figures involved in the establishment of the House of Mercy on Baggot Street.
Our archive material is priceless and for that reason we will be sharing the contents in a curated and managed way so as to protect and preserve it.
Mercy International Association holds the copyright for all assets in the archive. Our assets may not be used for commercial purposes and may not be reproduced in any setting without permission from MIA.
How can I access the online Heritage Portal?
The link to access Mercy Heritage Preservica will always be available here on the MIA website.
Queries about Mercy Heritage
All queries relating to Mercy Heritage and our new Preservica portal should be sent by email to heritage@mercyinternational.ie.