Mercy in Action means Hope for All
Hope is an orientation of the heart.
It transcends the world that is immediately experienced,
and is anchored somewhere beyond its horizons….
Vaclav Havel (1936-2011)
As we enter into this Lenten Season 2025, once again we are blessed with the opportunity to bring our Mercy sensibilities to the chaos and disorder of our suffering world. As we struggle to accomplish the seemingly impossible with limited time, energy, and resources, we know that it is not just what we do that brings renewed hope but our orientation to compassion for our own inadequacy in the moment, and our desire to be in solidarity with those who are pushed to the margins of society, those who are vulnerable, those who are close to despair.
*Catherine McAuley’s hope was anchored in the providence of her loving God. The early community experienced God’s designs being accomplished in their very lack of prudence, vigilance, and judgment. Their hope allowed them to transcend the struggles of the moment and to respond with courage to each new invitation to go beyond their known horizons.
**Howard Thurman calls this the “growing edge,” where apparent de-volution is a natural part of the process of ongoing evolution.
Look well to the growing edge!
All around us worlds are dying, and new worlds are being born….
Such is the growing edge!
This is the basis of hope in moments of despair,
The incentive to carry on when times are out of joint and people have lost their reason,
The source of confidence when worlds crash and dreams whiten to ash.
Look well to the growing edge!
Our growing edge is to continue to grow in consciousness of the needs of those who look to us for leadership, justice, and ongoing solutions to the challenges of our times. During Lent we witness the journey of Jesus through the brutality and chaos of his time to the transformation of the Resurrection. May we not close our eyes to the growing edges all around us in these times. May we continue our active engagement in dismantling the many systems of injustice that prevent all of us from living in truth and integrity. May all that we do this Lent engender hope in our hearts, our communities, and our world.
Michelle Gorman, RSM, originally from Co. Mayo, is an Institute Minister for the Sisters of Mercy of the Americas and chaplain to the California State Senate.
*Catherine McAuley to Elizabeth Moore, January 13, 1839.
**Howard Thurman, The Growing Edge, 1936.