
Mercy International Association (MIA) recognises and upholds the dignity and rights of all children and vulnerable adults. We are committed to ensuring their safety and well-being.

MIA fosters an environment characterised by truth, trust and transparency, a culture in which people experience safety. We will work in partnership with parents and guardians (where appropriate) to achieve safety and well-being for all who interact with MIA. We recognise each person as a gift from God. We value and encourage the participation of children and vulnerable adults in all activities that enhances their spiritual, physical, emotional, intellectual, and social development.

Below you will find the contact information for our Designated Liaison Person.

NameTitleContact numberEmail
Thérèse Gaynor CORUDesignated Liaison Person (DLP)+ 353 (0) 89 274 5141dlp@mercyinternational.ie