January 24, 2023

Welcome to Sr Patricia O’Donovan

Patricia has arrived at Mercy International Association offices in Dublin so that it is possible for us to have a few weeks of working side-by-side until she takes over as Chief Executive Officer on 1 March 2023. During the week, we had a Ritual of Blessing and Welcome which we hope assured Patricia of the support she will have from staff as she moves into the position.  


While Patricia has now had the chance to meet all staff working in Dublin, she has yet to meet some of the staff at the Mercy Global Action office in New York. She has met all of the Directors and all but one of the Members so is already no stranger to MIA. Patricia, through the leadership roles she held in The Congregation, is familiar with MIA structures and has given support over many years.  Some of you have been present at celebrations at Baggot Street at which Patricia, and other members of the group of musicians and singers to which she belongs, have made a wonderful contribution.  


It is a pleasure to welcome Patricia, the leadership she will bring, and the talents she will share. Her email is patriciaodonovan@mercyinternational.ie.

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