July 05, 2022

Updates on the Mercy Emerging Leaders Fellowship - July 2022

MELF Funding Into The Future

The Mercy Global Action Emerging Leaders Fellowship (MELF) has been guaranteed funding for a further three cohorts, enabling the program to continue up until 2028. Gratitude and special thanks to our very generous donor whose support will enable sixty women to participate in the Fellowship. The second cohort will gather in Cambodia this August and graduate in July 2023 at Mercy International Centre in Dublin. Expressions of Interest in participating in MELF will be posted in Mercy E-News and the Mercy Global Action Newsletter in December 2022.


MELF Program Manager Appointed

Siobhan Golden has been appointed as Program Manager of MELF. Siobhan will be transferring from her Programmes Coordinator position at Mercy International Centre, Dublin, to Program Manager of MELF at Mercy Global Action Office in New York. Many of you would know that Siobhan undertook a 9-month internship with Mercy Global Action in 2020/21 and graduated from the MELF program in February 2021. Welcome to the MGA team, Siobhan! 


MELF Leadership Generation Project

Further funding from our generous donor has enabled two part-time appointments to the roles of women’s leadership generation and capacity building. We welcome Colleen Swain and Jemima Welsh to the MGA team in this capacity. They will work on a twenty-four-month project focusing on collaborative projects and the long-term sustainability of MELF. Many of you will know Colleen in her capacity as MELF Program Manager. We are delighted to welcome you back Colleen. Jemima Welsh graduated from the MELF program in 2021 and has a strong background in economics and impact investment. We look forward to the unique contribution each will bring.


Read More about the MELF Programme
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