November 06, 2019

Spanish Edition of 'Inherent Dignity' Now Available

Mercy Global Action is pleased to announce the release of the Spanish translation of Inherent Dignity.  This important resource, Dignidad Inherente, is now available in our library where it can be read online as a Flip Book, shared, or downloaded (96 page PDF).

MGA originally launched the guidebook in July 2018, coinciding with the International Day Against Trafficking in Persons.  Since its release this resource has spread internationally.  Organizations have utilized Inherent Dignity in their work specializing in not only trafficking, but also migration, gender equality, and the special rights of children.

Trafficking is a global scourge affecting the most vulnerable.  Due to gender inequalities and the vulnerability of children, traffickers disproportionately target and exploit women and girls.  Inherent Dignity views the impact of trafficking and sexual exploitation through the lens of human rights and focuses on how these issues have specifically affected women and children.  By taking on this complex issue from the paradigm of human rights, activists and agencies can see trafficking in its global context, which is inseparable from socio-economics, migration, corruption and crime. 

During a grass roots engagement trip to Peru, Angela Reed rsm will be presenting the new Spanish edition to Red Kawsay Peru, a member of the Talitha Kum network.  Talitha Kum, the International Network of Consecrated Life, focuses its ongoing efforts on the issue of human trafficking.  It is our hope that these resources will provide useful information and strategies to Talitha Kum and other organizations and agencies.

Messages to: Amanda Carrier rsm - MGA Intern

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