March 22, 2023

Lenten Spirituality Series: Sean Gillespie

You are invited to journey through the Lenten season with Mercy International through spirituality, prayer, and reflection. There will be video and written Lenten reflections each Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. The theme of our prayer and reflection this Lent is 'Journey'.

Please complete the form linked here to register for the Lenten Reflection Series. 

English: Sean Gillespie, Ireland

The presenter for this reflection is Sean Gillespie. Sean is the Administrative Assistant at Mercy International Centre in Dublin, Ireland. His presentation calls us to reflect on our personal journey: Examine Your Past, Be Present in the Now, and Prepare for the Potential of Your Future.




Español: Sean Gillespie

El presentador de esta reflexión es Sean Gillespie. Sean es el Asistente Administrativo del Centro Internacional de la Misericordia en Dublín, Irlanda. Su presentación nos invita a reflexionar sobre nuestro camino personal: Examina tu pasado, estate presente en el ahora y prepárate para el potencial de tu futuro.

Para español, pulse aquí
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