April 03, 2023

Lenten Spirituality Series: Michelle Gorman

You are invited to journey through the Lenten season with Mercy International through spirituality, prayer, and reflection. There will be video and written Lenten reflections each Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. The theme of our prayer and reflection this Lent is 'Journey'.

Please complete the form linked here to register for the Lenten Reflection Series. 

English: Michelle Gorman rsm, Mercy Emerging Leader Fellow

Michelle Gorman, rsm lives in the United States of America. She is currently an Institute Minister in the administration of the Sisters of Mercy of the Americas and a chaplain at the California State Senate. She has a background in education as a secondary school teacher. As a teenager in Ireland, one of her greatest “achievements” was the discovery of a little book on Catherine McAuley, which led her to enter the Sisters of Mercy in Auburn, California. She is passionate about mercy and justice- God’s mercy, which “remains faithful from age to age (o aois go h-aois)” and God’s justice, which acknowledges and promotes the inherent dignity of all persons and all life. 


Español: Michelle Gorman rsm

Michelle Gorman, rsm vive en los Estados Unidos de América. Actualmente es Ministra del Instituto en la administración de las Hermanas de la Misericordia de las Américas y capellana en el Senado del Estado de California. Tiene experiencia en educación como profesora de secundaria. Cuando era adolescente en Irlanda, uno de sus mayores "logros" fue el descubrimiento de un librito sobre Catalina McAuley, que la llevó a ingresar en las Hermanas de la Misericordia en Auburn, California. Le apasionan la misericordia y la justicia: la misericordia de Dios, que "permanece fiel de edad en edad (o aois go h-aois)", y la justicia de Dios, que reconoce y promueve la dignidad inherente a todas las personas y a toda vida.

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