March 31, 2023

Lenten Spirituality Series: Carmen Rosa Callomamani rsm

You are invited to journey through the Lenten season with Mercy International through spirituality, prayer, and reflection. There will be video and written Lenten reflections each Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. The theme of our prayer and reflection this Lent is 'Journey'.

Please complete the form linked here to register for the Lenten Reflection Series. 

English: Carmen Rosa Callomamani rsm, Mercy Emerging Leader Fellow

The presenter for this reflection is Carmen Rosa Callomamani rsm. Carmen is a Sister of Mercy from Peru whose work centres around providing refugees and displaced people with protection and support for their needs. Carmen Rosa was born into a farming community in Puno, Peru, where she acquired her first language Aymara. Although fluent in her native language, she felt a great disadvantage when starting school as Spanish was the only language spoken. From this painful experience, her vocation as an educator was born. Carmen firmly believes that education, both formal and informal, is the key to system change. She is currently General Coordinator for the ‘Project of Vulnerable children’. Carmen's presentation continues our theme of journey with a meditation on migration and trafficking in persons.




Español: Carmen Rosa Callomamani rsm

La presentadora de esta reflexión es Carmen Rosa Callomamani rsm. Carmem es una Hermana de la Misericordia de Perú cuyo trabajo se centra en proporcionar a los refugiados y desplazados protección y apoyo a sus necesidades. Carmen Rosa nació en una comunidad agrícola de Puno, Perú, donde adquirió su primera lengua, el aymara. Aunque dominaba su lengua materna, se sintió en gran desventaja al empezar la escuela, ya que el español era el único idioma que se hablaba. De esta dolorosa experiencia nació su vocación de educadora. Carmen cree firmemente que la educación, tanto formal como informal, es la clave para el cambio del sistema. Actualmente es Coordinadora General del "Proyecto de niños vulnerables". La presentación de Carmen continúa nuestro tema del viaje con una meditación sobre la migración y la trata de personas.

Para español, pulse aquí
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