March 04, 2024

Lenten Reflections 2024: Derby Mercado rsm

Mercy International Association invites you to our 2024 Lenten series. Each week, from Ash Wednesday February 14  to March 27, 2024, we will be publishing a reflection by members of Mercy Global Action’s Emerging Leaders Fellowship (MELF). Our theme this year is ‘Opening Our Hearts’. We hope you will find light and inspiration in these reflections and that they enhance and support your Lenten prayer and discernment.

Derby Mercado rsm, MELF Graduate 2022-2023

The presenter for our third week of Lent is Derby Mercado rsm from the second cohort of the Mercy Global Action Emerging Leaders Fellowship. Derby is from the Philippines. Currently she is working as the Finance Officer and Registrar at the School of Saint John the Baptist. She is also involved in the Sisters Association in Mindanao (SAMIN), a well-established organization of Professed Sisters of different Congregations. Derby is the link person for SAMIN over 6 Dioceses and is a member of its Board of Trustees. For her reflection, she offers a short prayer, calling us to open our hearts to hear the cries of the suffering world.


Open our hearts Lord that we may recognized your greatness each day

Open our hearts Lord that we may see hope in the midst of despair

That we may hear the cries of our suffering world

That we may touch persons who needs our care

That we may feel your unconditional love

For by your grace we are redeemed

For in your blood we find hope

And for in your cross we are finally free. Amen

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