August 01, 2019

Inaugural Mercy Global Action Emerging Leaders Fellowship Programme Soon to be Underway

Mercy Global Action is delighted to announce the commencement of the inaugural Mercy Global Action Emerging Leaders Fellowship on August 23rd in Cambodia.

Over the course of the next twelve months, ten very diverse Fellows will be challenged to think critically about the global reality of our world through the lenses of Mercy, Leadership, and Justice.

The Mercy Global Action Emerging Leaders Fellowship seeks to build upon the capacities of women and provide effective tools to be agents of change in their own communities and in the greater society. These women are already active leaders of justice and peace in our world; however together, they will build relationships with other Mercy leaders and form a united network, advocating for justice in their own communities.

The Fellows will gather for the first time in Siem Reap, Cambodia hosted by Sr Denise Coghlan rsm at Metta Karuna (Jesuit Services Cambodia). Sr Denise brings a wealth of experience working with refugees, asylum seekers, land mine victims, trafficking survivors, and many others. She is a Nobel Peace Laureate and will share some of her story and where her call to Mercy has led her.

While this gathering is a time to be immersed in Cambodian culture, it is also a time for sharing, participating in workshops, reflections and personal space.  Our theme for the week is “Journey to Reconciliation”. As the Fellows get to know one another, they will have the time to share their interests, experiences, hopes and dreams. They will have time to reflect on themselves and explore the Mercy International Association Justice Themes of Degradation of the Earth and Displacement of Persons through the lens of Reconciliation.

Catherine McAuley had a deep trust and desire to develop women’s skills and capabilities so that they could carry on the work of Mercy. As these ten women embark on this immense journey, we ask for prayers that their journey is inspired and led by the heart and charism of Mercy.

Stay tuned and follow the work of these women throughout the Fellowship on the Mercy World website and the Mercy Global Action Newsletter.

Messages to: Colleen Swain rsm- Leadership Development and Advocacy Associate, MIA MGA

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