January 29, 2021

Hope in A Time of Pandemic

Hope in a Time of Pandemic - Responding to COVID-19 through a Mercy Lens (HIATOP) has been produced by The MGA COVID-19 Response Task Force made up of Mercy Global Action staff, Sisters, and Partners in ministry from Mercy Congregations and Institutes around the world. This document is the culmination of a process of reflection undertaken by the Task Force since May 2020. The process included collecting stories and reflecting on them in the light of our Mercy Tradition and Catholic Social Teaching. The Task Force also engaged with commentary and analysis from academia, civil society, faith-based organizations, the United Nations, and other international stakeholders.

The HIATOP reports in English and in Spanish, and related resources produced since their publication, have been collected together in the MIA Initiatives section of our website for ease of access and to shed light on further issues and opportunities.
We invite you to explore and make use of these materials.

Messages to: Angela Reed rsm - Head of Mercy Global Action

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