Young Mercy Leaders Pilgrimage to Baggot St. Dublin July 2023

Vision in Action


Mercy Global Justice


Mercy Global Justice


Mike Poulin, Justice Resource Manager for the Justice team for the Sisters of Mercy Institute in America, visited Mercy International Centre, Dublin recently where he outlined the Sisters of Mercy of the Americas’ key policy and advocacy issues on social and climate justice.

Among the many campaigns in which the Sisters are involved, Mike highlighted two priority areas. Firstly, the issue of Climate Justice: the impact of climate change on people and its subsequent impact on global migration patterns – Climate Justice being “one of the most important things that we (Mercy) address.”

Mike also addressed the key issues of water and water quality. He spoke at length about the problems and conflicts that arise from extractivism and how mining companies can come into an area and destroy the local water systems, particularly for indigenous communities, leaving a community without water and crucially without land to farm. In addition, Mike outlined how important it is to educate young people on this pressing issue. According to Mike Poulin “the questions we need to ask ourselves are: If we take things from the earth -is it going to destroy a community that has been in this area from the beginning? If we take things from the land, will the land be able to heal? Are there effective ways to do that sustainably”?

Despite these global justice challenges Mike is still hopeful for the future. “I think that we have to be hopeful, some days are hard because the victories and successes in this work can be few and far between but if we come with the Gospel call to love our neighbour and if we embrace that, we have to be hopeful that the love of neighbour will lead to change.”

Mike concluded his visit to Mercy International Association by stating “I think there is hope that Mercy can make a change and that we can continue to increase the way Mercy voice is heard”.

MGA Advocacy Workshop on Women and Justice

Mercy & Advocacy

MGA Advocacy Workshop on Women and Justice

Mercy & Advocacy

MGA Advocacy Workshop on Women and Justice

The Mercy Global Action team is inviting expressions of interest for their upcoming Advocacy Workshop on Women and Justice.

This workshop is open to members of the Mercy World who wish to engage in advocacy for women’s rights and systems change at local, national and international levels. Participants are not required to have any prior experience working in advocacy or justice issues related to women, but we anticipate that they will be interested in taking active steps to address issues concerning the wellbeing and empowerment of women throughout the world, particularly those facing systemic oppression and discrimination. 

Proposed Date and Time*:

Session One - August 8th, 4:00pm NY/9:00pm IRE/8am AEDT (9th August)

Session Two - August 9th, 6:00am NY/11:00am IRE/10:00pm AEDT

*It is expected that participants will attend both morning and evening sessions as the content covered in both sessions is formative in the advocacy workshop process.

Location - This workshop will be facilitated via Zoom video conferencing. A link to the Zoom meeting will be sent via email to all participants.

Presenters: The Mercy Global Action Team

To RSVP for this workshop, please complete the Google Form found here

MESSAGES TO: Colleen Swain MGA Women’s Leadership Development Associate

Mercy Matters

 On This Day


On This Day

JULY 12,


M Liguori professed in Baggot St - Foundress of Liverpool


Foundation to Sacred Heart Indian Territory from Lacon, Illinois


Foundation to Oklahoma from Lacon, Illinois - M Joseph Shields


Foundation to Raton, New Mexico from Stanton, Texas - M Angela Hostetter

Contribute a fact from your Mercy congregation, institute, or federation, to our online archive. It is amazing to discover all the connections in Mercy

Profession of Vows

Mercy Life

Profession of Vows

Great joy filled Corpus Christi Church in Iligan City, Philippines, as Sisters Melchora Acabo and Zaragosa Adlaon professed perpetual vows on June 17. More than 30 Sisters of Mercy led the opening procession, as Melchora (Mel) and Zaragosa (Zara) followed with their parents, along with several priests and Bishop Jose Rapadas III, DD.
Family and friends of both sisters attended the profession, which was held in Visayan and English. Institute Leadership Team Member Sister Anne Marie Miller, CCASA Institute Minister Sister Julie Matthews and Director of Institute New Membership Sister Eileen Campbell were also present, and more than 500 people viewed the ceremony on YouTube and Facebook.

(Sister Anne Marie Miller, (right) a member of the Institute of the Sisters of the Americas Leadership Team celebrates the final professions of Sisters Mel Acabo (center).and Zara Adlaon (left) from the Philippines.

Heritage & Spirituality

'Here We Stand' Celebrating Sacred Heart College Geelong, Australia

This song was composed by Margaret Wills, College Music Coordinator for Sacred Heart College Geelong’s Foundation Day.
 The song was performed at the celebration by Amanda Humphrey, Leader of Catholic Identity Integration, and Anna Fletcher a past pupil. Amanda and Anna were accompanied by Margaret and the College Choir and Orchestra.

A Visit to Catherine's House

Mercy Immersion

A Visit to Catherine's House

Sisters and colleagues from the Congregational Leadership Offices in Dublin recently gathered in Catherine’s house to spend time together focusing on our Mercy roots as well as ensuring planned pathways for the future.

A feature of their day in Mercy International Centre was the engaging and interesting tour led by Susan Cahill (Programme Coordinator, Mercy International Association)

Further Resources

Mercy Beyond Borders

Worth Reading

Mercy Beyond Borders

Mercy Beyond Borders (founded by Sr Marilyn Lacey RSM) began in South Sudan, choosing to work with those most at-risk: women and girls in places of extreme poverty. The mission is about forging ways for females without education or influence to learn, connect and lead. And doing it in places that few knew about or cared about.

Mercy Beyond Borders’ vision is for a world in which all women are educated, connected and influential.

It is fired by the conviction that:

When women learn, women matter. Then everything changes.

Mercy Beyond Borders
Mercy Emerging Leaders Fellowship Presentations

Worth Watching

Mercy Emerging Leaders Fellowship Presentations

The Final Immersion of Cohort 2 of the Mercy Global Action Emerging Leaders Fellowship began on Monday, July 10th at Mercy International Centre in Dublin, Ireland.
We pray for the Fellows as they embark on their final immersion and pray for all those who will witness the leadership of these Fellows. Empower us and move us to be instruments in bringing about justice and equality across the world.

You are invited to virtually attend their research presentations on various Mercy justice issues on Thursday, July 13th beginning at 10:00 AM Dublin Time (GMT+1). Register for the research presentations here.

The graduation of our Mercy Global Action Emerging Leader Fellows which will be held on Monday, July 17th at 10:00 AM Dublin Time (GMT+1).  The Keynote Presentation will be given by Professor Azza Karam. Register to virtually attend the graduation here.

Learn more about the MELF Projects
Mandela Day 18th July 2023

Worth Knowing

Mandela Day 18th July 2023

Nelson Mandela International Day is an annual international day in honour of Nelson Mandel. It is celebrated each year on Mandela's birthday (July 18th). The day was officially declared by the United Nations in November 2009, with the first UN Mandela Day held on 18 July 2010. 

Each year we are all (individuals, communities, and organisations) invited to take time to reflect on Nelson Mandela's values and principles and to see how, by giving a little bit of our time, we can make a positive impact in our own communities.

Suggestions on ways to make a difference

Mercy eNews

The newsletter of Mercy International Association is published monthly and distributed to subscribers via email. If you have any queries about the newsletter, please contact

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