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Mercy e-News
Edition No. 738  |  06 September 2017
Featured Story
Home - Hogar: Resource for Mercy Day

Editor: The Season of Mercy (24 September-12 December) overlaps with the Season of Creation
(1 September-4 October).

We invited Mary Wickham rsm (ISMAPNG) to take the two key themes Displacement of Persons and Degradation of Earth which emerged 'out of the sacred listening and contemplative dialogue in which the MIRP groups engaged' and create a reflective narrative as a resource for us all to use on our around Mercy Day, another designated 'pivotal moment for global communication and reflection' (MIRP Review p.3).

Complete Narrative: A4 paper size (PDF); US Letter Size (PDF)

Final prayer - sheet: A4 paper size (PDF); A5 paper size (PDF);  US Letter Size (PDF)
Final prayer - bookmark: with bleed (PDF); no bleed (PDF)

Complete Narrative: A4 paper size (PDF); US Letter Size (PDF)

Final prayer - sheet: A4 paper size (PDF); US Letter Size (PDF);
Final prayer - bookmark: with bleed (PDF); no bleed (PDF)

Messages to: Mary Wickham rsm

Image:© 2017 Mercy International Association

Vision in Action

Editor: Teresa Martin rsm (The Congregation) has set Catherine's Familiar Instruction 'There are three things the poor prize more highly than gold, tho’ they cost the donor nothing; among these are the kind word, the gentle, compassionate look and the patient hearing of their sorrows.' to music.

'The Kind Word' will be sung during the presentation of gifts at the Mercy Day Mass at Baggot Street.

We invite you to learn the tune so wherever you are in the world on 24 September you can join in the singing.

The track is linked to this item.

Messages to: Teresa Martin rsm

Image: iStock. Used under licence

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Thank you to those who have already sent in your greeting.

All members and friends of the Mercy family are invited to send in your greetings for posting on our mercyworld.org website for Mercy Day. Greetings will be posted online as they are received. We look forward to posting yours!

Greetings should be sent in by Friday, 22 September to make sure they are published for Mercy Day.

Messages to: Anne Walsh - Mercy eNews Editor

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Details of Livestream from Baggot Street on Mercy Day

Mass will be live streamed on this page on the Mercyworld.org website (currently showing a countdown clock) so that all the Mercy family can join in the celebrations via computer or mobile device. Viewers will be invited to post a message or reflection online in response.

The live stream will commence at 1.45 pm (Dublin Time) with Mercy Day messages from Congregation and Institute Teams. You can check the time and date the livestream will start in your area by clicking here.

The video of the Mercy Day Mass will be archived on the same page for later viewing by those for whom the live streaming occurs at an inconvenient hour.

Messages regarding live streaming to: Anne Walsh - Mercy eNews Editor

Image: iStock. Used under licence

Invitation to Participate in a Strategic Plan Video Conference

Thank you to all who participated in the first stage of this review and completed the survey that was conducted through Mercy e-News.

The responses to the survey have been analysed. The feedback particularly indicated a desire for the MIA Strategic Plan to be influenced by the findings of the Mercy International Reflection Process (MIRP) and the emerging understanding of Mercy Global Presence.

Details of how to join MIA Team members online on 13 or 14 September in discussing the question: In the light of the MIA Vision statement, what priorities might MIA focus on over the next 5 years? can be downloaded here (PDF).

We welcome your participation in the discussion.

Messages to: Mary Reynolds rsm - Executive Director MIA



MIA Prayer Intention: Current Challenges

Our screens are awash still with images of the extensive damage in the United States resulting from Hurricane Harvey, but there are many people and places impacted by recent flood waters: in Ireland, UK, India, Bangladesh and Nepal. Let us continue to pray for and support where we can all affected by these extreme weather events.

Prayers for peace and therefore an end to the escalating threat of war posed by nuclear testing are also needed. Join us in prayer that wisdom and wise counsel will prevail.

Post your own Prayer or Reflection in our online Chapel

Messages to: Mary Reynolds rsm - Executive Director MIA

Image: Hurricane Harvey  U.S. Army photo by 1st Lt. Zachary West

Reminder: An Invitation to All Sisters of Mercy Under 60

Mercy International Association invites Sisters of Mercy who will be under the age of 60 on 24th September 2017, to join an online group with a long term aim of establishing connections and reflecting together on mercy life and leadership.

Already Sisters from US, Guyana, Australia, New Zealand, Ireland, UK, South Africa, Kenya, Philippines, Jamaica and Newfoundland have responded to this invitation.

Information about the group and how to join can be downloaded here (PDF)

Messages to: Anna Nicholls rsm - Team Leader heritage & Spirituality

MIA Reflection Process

On 1 September, Pope Francis issued a Joint Message with the Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople, Bartholomew I, to mark the Third World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation:

'...We urgently appeal to those in positions of social and economic, as well as political and cultural, responsibility to hear the cry of the earth and to attend to the needs of the marginalized, but above all to respond to the plea of millions and support the consensus of the world for the healing of our wounded creation...'

The complete Statement is linked to this item. MIA resources for the Season are here.

Image source: © AP News.VA

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Season of Creation Photographic Meditation

Today's mercyworld.org homepage photo is of a spider's web taken in Papua New Guinea by Maureen Sexton rsm (ISMAPNG).

Since 2 September we have seen glimpses of creation on our website homepage from United States, Aotearoa New Zealand, Timor Leste and now Papua New Guinea. These are also posted on our Facebook and Twitter accounts.

We renew our invitation to take a few moments each day to contemplate the beauty of our world as seen through the lenses of our Mercy network photographers. Any final contributions to the series are most welcome.

Messages to: Anne Walsh - Communications Director MIRP

MIA Members News

Sisters Nicole Rotaru and Cathy Solano were impelled to carry out their mission at the foothills of the Nuba Mountains in Sudan. Just recently the Sisters have produced a beautiful calendar that will raise money to support the depleted Sudanese education system that Cathy and Nicole continue to work together to replenish.

Education is highly valued in the Nuba Mountains.  It is acknowledged that the only certain way to establish peace, justice and development is through the education of the people living over there....

The ‘Shining with Life’ 2018 calendar is available for a AUD$10 donation.

Messages to: Nicole Rotaru rsm

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St Michael’s Family Centre Baulkham Hills has had, over many years, a recognised history for providing care and support for women and children who are at risk of homelessness as a result of domestic violence.

With the changing face of the Congregation St Michael’s became unable to continue to provide direct assistance as in the past, so in early 2016 an ‘Invited Grants Program’ was inaugurated and titled ‘St Michael’s Fund’...

On August 11, 2017, three organisations received cheques to support their work which reaches out in diverse ways to meet needs: Cumberland Women’s Health Centre, Houses to Homes (Catherine’s Villa) and The Sanctuary, The Hills Women’s Community Shelter (Women’s Community Shelters)...

Messages to: Margaret Sheppard rsm - Congregation Leadership Team

Image: Mary-Louise Petro rsm (second from left) with the three recipients of the cheques

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Editor: The September issue of 'Imaging Mercy Today' is now online and linked to this item. It takes the three approaches suggested by the Global Catholic Climate Movement: Pray with and for creation, Live more simply and Advocate to protect our common home and includes suggestions for action. References to writings of Catherine McAuley are included as resources for ritual preparation.

Messages to: Katrina Fabish rsm - Congregation Leader

Image: © 2017 Mercy International Association

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...We went because we were asked, because we could, and because it was important to say, “This is not who we are.” We went for those who could not go, for those told to stay home or go back home for their own safety. For those who fought this fight in the 1860s, 1940s, 1960s and for those who never stopped fighting because racism and anti-Semitism never stopped. For all people who are hated for who they are, for where they come from, for whom they love and for how they worship...

We went because it was the right stand to take at this time of national confusion, rage, false narratives and empty promises....

Messages to: Kathleen Kelleher, Mercy Associate c/- Lauren Albright - Institute Communications Office

Image: Memorial for Heather Heyer in Charlottesville, Virginia. Photo by Bob Mical on Flickr (Creative Commons BY-NC-ND 2.0)

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Mercy Matters
Ordinary Time 23 Year A (Matthew 18:15-20)

'What does a just society or community do with its persistent offenders, with those whose behaviour continually disrupts or even destroys the unity of a group? This is an age old question that has no easy answer...'

Read the Reflection on the Gospel by Veronica Lawson rsm (ISMAPNG)

Listen to the Gospel read by Fr Eamonn O'Connor (Ireland)

Once you enter our scenic grounds encompassing 63 acres, most of which sits on what is called Evergreen Hill, you will find both a beautiful and functional location for an individual private retreat or a group retreat. We are a peaceful place nestled in nature sharing the grounds with the St. Bernardine Convent, where several Sisters of Mercy reside. Our space is a holy space and offers a chance for renewal, refreshment and education for those who come.

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Time for Mercy

'Time for Mercy', the second album from Teresa Martin rsm (The Congregation), was launched in May.

'Twelve tracks, simple melodies, instrumental accompaniments, refrains to invite participation and themes/texts from Scripture, prayers and words from Catherine McAuley, and traditional prayer...'

Order from Sr Teresa or purchase from the MIC Giftshop. Price: €12.50 plus postage

1875: Opening of St Joseph Academy, Cedar Rapids

Contribute a fact about the Story of the Sisters of Mercy in your congregation or institute to our online archive

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'God gives the most beautiful mission in the world, namely, love for brothers and sisters and the proclamation of a mercy that He doesn’t deny to anyone. And this is our hope. We go on with this trust in forgiveness, in the merciful love of Jesus.'

- Pope Francis

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'Here are the 25 biggest milestones in Earth's history. From leaps forward in evolution to devastating asteroid impacts, these were the turning points that shaped our world.'

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Further Resources

Worth Playing:

'In the Lord Is My Joy' chant by Margaret Rizza. Listen here (04:53). Purchase on *iTunes; *GooglePlay

Worth Reflecting on:
-Displacement of Peoples

To commemorate the second anniversary on 2nd September of the death of Alan Kurdi, the three-year-old Syrian boy who drowned in 2015 while attempting with his family to reach Greece, the author Khaled Hosseini, a UNHCR goodwill ambassador, has written Sea Prayer. Watch it here (07:04)

Worth Knowing about:

'SDGs two years on – where are we and where do we need to be?' Read the article here

Worth Reading:
-Displacement of Peoples
Human Trafficking

UNODC: Legal frameworks to prevent migrants from becoming victims of human trafficking Fr. Michael Czerny Statement at 5th Session on Global Compact. Read it here

Read the September issue of Stop Trafficking. This issue highlights how men's growing addiction to pornography fuels human trafficking (9pps; PDF)

-Degradation of Earth

World Water Week has just concluded in Stockholm. 'Understanding and recognizing the many different values attached to water is the key to more efficient use – a must as more people have to share the world’s limited fresh water.' Read the closing press release here

'Thirsting for Justice: Transparency and Poor People’s Struggle for Clean Water in Indonesia, Mongolia, and Thailand.' Report is here

The Bottom Line:

'The world that we share - the ground we tread, the air we breathe, the water we savor - unites us in a very tangible and profound way. Despite our diverse religious or racial differences, the earth provides a basis of solidarity and the ground of harmony for all people, all creatures, and all things.'

-Rev. Dr. John Chryssavgis, 'Pope and Patriarch:A Common Declaration for a Shared World', 1 Sept. 2017

Send suggestions and contributions for the 'Worth...' section 2017 to: the Editor

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Today, Sisters of Mercy, through Mercy International Association, use their resources to respond to issues of global
								poverty demonstrated in the massive displacement of persons worldwide.
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Mercy International Association Limited
Registered in Ireland.
Certificate Number 194263. Public Company Limited by Guarantee. Registered Office: Mercy International Association, 11 Adelaide Road, Dublin 2. Registered Charity no CHY 10078
Directors: Sister Denise Fox (ANZ), Sister Sheila Carney (US), Ron Ashworth (US), Susan Clarke (GB), Sister Colette Cronin (GB), Mary Moorhead (IRL), Kevin Hoy (IRL), Sister Margaret Casey (IRL), Sister Scholasticah Nganda (IRL)