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Mercy e-News
Edition No. 645  |  28 October 2015
Featured Story

Life for women and families in Africa can be tough – usually through no fault of their own – as they battle against poverty, climate change and a life of drudgery and weighty responsibilities.

For many women and their families, life could indeed have been very different had it not been for the partnership between VITA, an Irish non-governmental organisation working with issues of food security, agricultural development and climate change, and the Sisters of Mercy Western Province (The Congregation). Working together, they are delivering sustainable livelihoods to thousands of farm families through a combination of projects that secure access to latrines; access to clean water through the provision of wells; access to renewable household energy through the introduction of fuel efficient cookstoves and solar lighting; and access to food through seed potato, dairy and irrigation programmes. These integrated programmes are the only way for these families to be free of aid dependency.

Tozene Nada is one of the women who is participating in the potato programme. She is an inspiring woman...

Messages to:
Ciara Feehely - VITA Head of Communications 
Mary Doherty rsm and Loreto Hogge rsm - Sisters of Mercy Western Province


Image: Tozene Nada outside her home with a sample of her potato crop. Photo supplied by VITA

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Vision in Action

The Mercy International Reflection Process (MIRP) logo has been designed in English and Spanish specifically for the reflection process. Copyright to the logo is held by MIA.

Use of the logo is reserved for promoting the process and coverage of the process among Sisters of Mercy and partners-in-Mercy in the lead up to and during the Year of Mercy.

Mercy Congregations and Institutes, communities and ministries are warmly encouraged to use the logo in communications locally. MIRP Coordinators have copies of the logo in various formats.

General guidelines for use of the logo are attached to this item.

Further inquiries or requests for the logo should be directed to Anne Walsh, Communications Director for the Mercy International Reflection Process.

Messages to: Anne Walsh

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MIA has commissioned a Year of Mercy logo for use by Congregations and Institutes, ministries and communities for the Year of Mercy. The logo is copyright to MIA.

The logo features the Burke bust of Catherine against a world map overlain with the Mercy cross and surrounded by contour lines. In cartography a contour line joins points of equal elevation above a given level. Here we are using contour lines to indicate the strength of our Mercy connections among and within the 44 countries and territories where Sisters of Mercy and partners-in-Mercy currently minister.

General guidelines for use of the logo are attached to this item.

The logo is available now.

Logo requests to:

Mary Reynolds rsm - Executive Director MIA
Anne Walsh - Mercy eNews Editor

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Open Doors at Baggot Street: Image Now Available

Requests have been received at MIC for a photo showing the opened red door of 64A Lower Baggot Street for use in local Year of Mercy activity.

An 'official' photo has been taken and is now available to any Mercy Congregation, Institute, community or ministry wishing to use it.

-Use of the photo should be accompanied by the following acknowledgement:
‘The Opened Baggot Street Doors’ © MIA 2015. Photo: Anne Walsh

-The photo must be reproduced in its entirety but may be reduced in size.

Requests for the photo can be directed to Mary Kay Dobrovolny rsm or Anne Walsh.

Messages to:
Mary Kay Dobrovolny rsm - Assistant Director MIA
Anne Walsh - Mercy eNews Editor

Reminder: Invitations to Celebrations at Baggot Street

Sisters, Associates and Friends of Mercy are invited to two celebrations at Baggot Street, Remembrance Day and Foundation Day

Remembrance Day
The celebration of the Eucharist at 12.00 p.m on the Anniversary of Catherine’s death, Wednesday 11 November, followed by lunch.

Street parking only. Some accommodation is available.

RSVP is essential by/on Friday 6th November to: receptionist@mercyinternational.ie using the subject line ‘Mass/lunch Nov 11’ or ring 01 6618061 in business hours.

Foundation Day Celebrations and The Opening of the Door of Mercy, Baggot St
Sunday 13 December (3rd Sunday of Advent) to coincide with opening of Doors of Mercy around the world.

Details to follow. Free street Parking.

Download the invitation here (PDF)

MIA Prayer Intention for the Coming Week: Victims of Recent Extreme Weather Events

In the past ten days the Philippines has experienced Typhoon Koppu, Mexico has been impacted by Hurricane Patricia with floods now threatened along the Gulf Coast and other parts of the southern United States, and a 7.5 magnitude earthquake has hit north-eastern Afghanistan and Pakistan with tremors felt in northern India and Tajikistan.

We pray for the relatives, friends and communities of the deceased victims and for all who have been injured in these extreme weather events.

We support the appeal issued by Cardinals, Patriarchs and Bishops from across the globe who this week joined Pope Francis in pleading for a major break-through in Paris, for a ‘comprehensive and transformational agreement supported by all based on principles of solidarity, justice and participation... that protects our common home and all its inhabitants.Read their appeal here: [English], [Spanish]

Messages to: Mary Reynolds rsm - Executive Director MIA

Post your own Prayer or Reflection in our online Chapel

Sign the Global Catholic Climate Movement (GCCM) petition here

Image: Hurricane Patricia (2015) as seen from orbit during Expedition 45 of the International Space Station. Source: Wikipedia

God of love and mercy, touch with your healing power and restore to full health all whose names are on our prayer list.

We ask this with confidence through the intercession of Venerable Catherine McAuley. Amen.

Messages to: the Vice postulators

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MIA Members News

The following arrangements are now in place for ordering 'The Blessing of Mercy' by Veronica Lawson rsm

Within Australia and Aotearoa New Zealand:
Order from Morning Star Publishing

Within Europe, USA and the rest of the world
Order from Wipf and Stock

Note: The ebook version will be available from Wipf and Stock and will shortly be available through other eBook distribution channels, including Amazon.

Details of how to order, including bulk discounts from Wipf and Stock, are linked to this item.

Messages to: Veronica Lawson rsm

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Editor: From time to time Jo O'Donovan rsm will be sharing with us her love for and knowledge of poetry, providing reflective commentary on a wide variety of poems, including contemporary works. Sr Jo is known to readers as the author of the September thematic article 'Respect - "A Looking Again", an Enlarging of Love'. Her interest in and enjoyment of poetry is lifelong and the sharing of her passion is a welcome and generous gift to the Mercy world.

This first poem Spring and Fall, is by Gerald Manley Hopkins sj. Sr Jo writes, 'The most anthologised and deceptively simple of Hopkins’ poems, I chose it because of the moods within its autumn theme. It was composed  spontaneously while the poet, on priestly work in Liverpool, on September 7, 1880, was walking back to the city (Hopkins was a great walker!), having said Mass for a family in a country house...'

The poem and commentary are linked to this item.

Messages to: Jo O'Donovan rsm

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Once again, Mercy’s new Virtual Care Center is center stage – virtually. This time, HealthLeaders Media streamed a live webcast, “Telemedicine: Health Care’s Nerve Center,” from inside the 125,000-square-foot facility.

Simply put, 'virtual care enables us to bring care to the patient rather than the patient coming to you for care,' said Dr. Randy Moore, Mercy Virtual president, setting the tone for the three-hour, streamed event that focused on virtual care strategy, organizational change and accelerating a return on investment.

'It’s not technology; it’s a person-to-person relationship that the technology is facilitating,' added Dr. Hale, executive medical director of Mercy Virtual...

Messages to: Nancy Corbett - Director of Newsmaking, Mercy Health

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Editor: Mercy Hospital Fort Smith (Arkansas) describes itself as having 'more than a 100-year history of providing care to all who need it.' With the first steps taken last Thursday in a groundbreaking ceremony to turn a former furniture factory into the Riverview Hope Campus 'to meet the basic human needs of the chronically homeless and the low income', it isn't surprising that the hospital is funding a clinic inside the building. 'It will be equipped as well as in any clinic in our system,' said Fort Smith President Cole Goodman  'This is what Mercy is all about. This is what our mission statement is'.

'In the life of every human being, there's a moment when a door opens and lets the future in. The Riverview Hope Campus is that open door,'said Sam Fiori head of the Help Within Reach capital campaign that has raised nearly $3 million to buy the vacant Riverside Furniture building and finance the renovation.

A report on the groundbreaking ceremony is linked to this item.

Messages to: Nancy Corbett - Director of Newsmaking, Mercy Health

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Mercy Matters

The Mercy Association is inspired by the Vision of Catherine McAuley. It is an opportunity for lay people to deepen their own prayer life and spirituality. The Mercy Association enables lay people to make a whole-hearted and dedicated contribution to the service of the Church and to the spread of the Kingdom of God. The Mercy Association encourages its Associates to meet regularly; to join together in prayer and share their Mercy vocation with each other.

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Turn Your Emails Into A Symphony With Typatone

Do re mi fa so qw er ty !

'The act of writing has always been an art. Now it can also be an act of music.Each letter you write corresponds to a specific musical note, putting a new spin to your composition. Make music while you write'

Witnesses of Mercy

'In a world that is increasingly dehumanizing and moving towards ruthlessness, violence and oppression, the Christian vocation is to witness to divine mercy, in collaboration with men and women of good will. The seed of mercy is in all religions, and we are all responsible to germinate it in private and public life. Then we will be witnesses of a better world, ruled by justice, peace, tenderness, love and mutual respect. We invite all our faithful, who have any influence and power in the political, economic, cultural, social or family life to live mercy and make a culture that permeates the world that belongs to us.'

Extract (p.10) from 'Christ, the face of the Father’s Mercy'. Pastoral Letter of His Beatitude Fouad Twal, Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem, on the occasion of the Extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy. October 1, 2015. (25pps; PDF)

The Gospel reflections for the Sundays of November (All Saints Day - First Sunday of Advent) by Veronica Lawson rsm have now been published and are linked to this item.

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'God never refuses His grace to those who ask it.'

-Catherine McAuley

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1859: Foundation to Goulburn, Australia from Westport, Co Mayo - M Ignatius Murphy
1910: Foundation of Colwyn Bay, N Wales from Oldham, Lancashire - Sr Stanislaus Merigan.

Post a fact about the Story of the Sisters of Mercy for our online archive

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Further Resources

Worth Playing:

Following are two video reflections to choose from for celebrating the Feast of All Saints this Sunday, 1 November:

Litany of the Saints by Veronica Morrissey. Video reflection by Michelle Sherliza, OP. Watch/listen here (04:32). Purchase the song here: *iTunes *GooglePlay

Litany by Matt Maher. Watch/listen here (02:09). Purchase the song here: *iTunes *GooglePlay 

This video reflection for the Feast of All Souls is based on the prayer from Intercessions of Mercy edited by Joy Clough rsm.  Watch/listen here (01:29)

Worth Reading:

An article in the latest issue of US Catholic proposes seven simple steps you can take to make a difference in the lives of trafficking victims. Read the article here

The Bottom Line:

'Like all acts of liturgy, those in the first days of November are practices in communion. But here, perhaps more than at any other time in the liturgical year, these practices of communion are ventured across the otherwise unthinkable difference and immeasurable distance between loved ones, when death intervenes.

In this way, the space between All Saints and All Souls is where we search in mourning, prayer and longing for the loved ones we have lost. And the church teaches us that in searching for them, we discover ourselves anew as the ones pursued in love.'

Leonard J. DeLorenzo, Theologian

Send suggestions and contributions for the 'Worth...' section 2015 to: the Editor

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Today, Sisters of Mercy, through Mercy International Association, use their resources to respond to issues of global
								poverty demonstrated in the massive displacement of persons worldwide.
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Mercy International Association Limited
Registered in Ireland.
Certificate Number 194263. Public Company Limited by Guarantee. Registered Office: Mercy International Association, 11 Adelaide Road, Dublin 2. Registered Charity no CHY 10078
Directors: Sister Denise Fox (ANZ), Sister Patricia McDermott (US), Ron Ashworth (US), Peter Burnett (GB), Sister Colette Cronin (GB), Mary Moorhead (IRL), Kevin Hoy (IRL), Sister Margaret Casey (IRL), Sister Scholasticah Nganda (IRL)