Celebrating Catherine On Culture Night
On Friday the 22nd of September, Mercy International Association took part in Culture Night 2023. It was a wonderful evening of music, storytelling and history! Visitors to Catherine’s House enjoyed a unique range of spoken world performances, two musical recitals, hourly house tours, historical re-enactments and a bespoke digital story telling project entitled Catherine’s House Audio Stories. Highlights from Culture Night 2023 included: a thought-provoking talk by Sr. Sheila Curran on Mercy Mission: Inclusion & Diversity, a magisterial performance on our spectacular Telford Pipe Organ by Rebecca Broderick, a lively presentation by Sr. Bernadette Knopek on The Charleville Connection to the Crimean War, a fascinating archival workshop with Sr. Mary Reynolds on Mercy International Association’s heritage collection, an uplifting musical performance by Sr Patricia O’ Donovan & Sr. Marie Cox in Baggot Street Chapel and a compelling biographical talk by Mercy Associate Anne Reid on the life and times of Catherine McAuley.