July 25, 2018

MIA-MGA at UN Launches Advocacy Guidebook to Prevent Trafficking

This morning, 25 July 2018, at 10:00 am New York time, ‘Inherent Dignity’, an advocacy guidebook to preventing trafficking for the purpose of sexual exploitation and to realising the human rights of women and girls throughout their lives, will be launched by Mercy International Association: Mercy Global Action at the UN (MIA-MGA) in the Church Center of the UN where MIA-MGA has its office. The Permanent Mission of the Philippines to the United Nations and Trócaire will be sponsoring the event.The NGO Committee to Stop Trafficking in Persons will be endorsing the launch.

The launch is being live-streamed on Facebook live here: https://www.facebook.com/MercyInternationalAssociation/
Check your local time for this event here

The guidebook was born from extensive research which exposed how most survivors of human trafficking experience cumulative disadvantage and marginalization over their lifetime caused by multiple breaches in international human rights law. Parallel to this, there are many existing international human rights mechanisms available to address areas of vulnerability and assert rights.

This guide aims to challenge the current discourse on human trafficking which, more often than not, describes trafficking as a single isolated event,” said Angela Reed rsm, Coordinator of Mercy Global Action at the UN Office and one of the authors of the guide. Violations of human rights often occur prior to the experience of trafficking and render women and girls more vulnerable to exploitation; therefore, it is imperative that states take responsibility for ensuring the realization of human rights over the life course.

The guide focuses on how the existing international human rights framework can be applied to prevention of human trafficking and how key to any preventative response is listening to the experiences of formerly trafficked women. Together, we are calling on our members worldwide to engage this issue at the local level while at the international level we continue to highlight the interconnectedness between prevention of human trafficking for the purpose of sexual exploitation over the life course through human rights mechanisms in UN spaces.

The Guidebook can be downloaded here (96 pps, PDF, 7MB)

Messages to: Angela Reed rsm - MIA Coordinator at the UN - Mercy Global Action

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