Your Ever Affectionate M.C. McAuley
Excerpts from the letters of a very special woman for your reflection and encouragement.
Track 1 affords a glimpse of the life and times of Catherine McAuley in the late 18th and early 19th centuries in Dublin, Ireland.
Tracks 2-11 each consist of a reading of one or more of Catherine's letters, specially chosen for what they reveal about the woman herself. Each letter is preceded by a short contextual introduction which allows us to situate the letter and the people to whom she writes. Following the reading of the letter, a short reflection is offered. This reflection highlights modern day works of Mercy begun by Catherine and continuing worldwide at the present time.
01. Life Story of Catherine McAuley
02. Letter to Sister M. Elizabeth Moore
03. Letter to Sister M. de Sales White
04. Letter to Sister M. Elizabeth Moore
05. Letters to Sister M. Elizabeth Moore
06. Letter to Sister Mary Joseph Joyce
07. Letter to Sister. M Elizabeth Moore
08. Letter to Dr. Thomas Walsh
09. Letters to Frances Warde & Mary de Pazzi Delany
010. Letter to Sister M. Catherine Meagher
011. Letters to Dr. Andrew Fitzgerald, OP
The page numbers indicated next to each track refer to The Correspondence of Catherine McAuley 1818-1841. Edited by Mary C. Sullivan, 2004 (Four Courts Press), from which the excerpts are taken. Copyright © Used with permission
Produced by Congregation of the Sisters of Mercy 2009. Used with permission.