The Single Flame

The single flame of noble worth that kindled one great soul
Has blended strength and gentle warmth Into an ageless role;
For Mercy is but love that’s shown, that must incline to need that’s known,
The hands of God stretched out to help the poor; they are God’s own.

The grace of Mercy echoes sure in listening hearts who know
The call of each to venture forth, to trust what God will show.
Within the depths of God and self, within a vision shared as one,
The call to Mercy draws us on, God’s truest work is done.

The flame of Mercy spreads its warmth, compassion rests her hand
On poor, on sick, on homeless ones, on need to understand.
For all our suffering, burdened world, the cross, the pain God bids us share,
To stand empowered in God’s stead, to BE God’s loving care.

And now that flame whose upward course through Catherine’s life unfurled
Has spread its Christ-enkindled fire throughout His ransomed world.
It’s breadth is God’s immensity, it’s depth is love’s intensity,
Its spirit - Lord, confirm Your gift - a boundless charity.

Lyrics: Rosaleen O’Sullivan, RSM, and Music: Suzanne Toolan, RSM