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Bibliography of Books and Articles

The following is an attempt to list all the published books, articles and multimedia productions by or about the Sisters of Mercy since the founding of the Congregation in 1831.

13 Aug 2018

2013 - Reading the Gospel of Luke from Earth's Perspective

Watering the Roots at the Wellspring of Mercy, June 9-14, 2013. Overview of the Week Two programme....

13 Aug 2018

Catherine McAuley and the Following of Jesus Christ Today

Presentations by Mary C. Sullivan at Wellsprings 2012

13 Aug 2018

2012 - For the Love of God: Mercy Spirituality: Context Ecological Urgency

“For the Love of God: Mercy Spirituality in the Context of Ecological Urgency”....

13 Aug 2018

2013 - Touched by the Holy: Contemplation, Gratitude, and Compassion

Watering the Roots at the Wellspring of Mercy, June 23-28, 2013. Overview of the Week Three...

13 Aug 2018

Foundation Day Prayer Service 2016 Available for Download

Editor: At the opening of the Jubilee Year of Mercy we gathered in our holy places and prayed for...

13 Aug 2018

Resources for Engaging with Laudato Si'

Multiple formats collected in 2015/16

13 Aug 2018

Text of Laudato Si': Written and audio formats

The text of Laudato Si' is made available here in both text and audio formats. TEXT 1....

13 Aug 2018

Catherine McAuley and Earth: Catalina McAuley y Nuestra Tierra

“Ecology” was not a term with which Catherine McAuley (1778-1841) could have been...

13 Aug 2018

Explanation of Stage Four of the Process: Elaine Wainwright rsm

In this video clip Elaine Wainwright rsm, International Director of the Mercy International...

13 Aug 2018

More Movies and Documentaries (1)

Here are some more recent and new releases you might look out for, on the big screen or on dvd or...

13 Aug 2018

Main Menu: More Topics

Some Speakers addressed other topics. These can be found on this page ordered under the Speaker's...

13 Aug 2018

Perspectives on 'Laudato Si'

We invite reflections on the encyclical from your part of the Mercy world for publishing on the...