Nellie McLaughlin RSM
Videos to assist with Stage Three of the International Reflection Process: Engaging with the Wisdom of the Tradition
Short Biography
Nellie McLaughlin RSM is a member of the Congregation of the Sisters of Mercy, Northern Province, Ireland.
Nellie works in cosmology, ecology, sustainable living, together with retreats and conferences in creation spirituality throughout Ireland and internationally.
Video of full Interview with Nellie McLaughlin RSM (56:05)
Video interview with Nellie McLaughlin RSM by topic:
Click on a link below to locate a short video on a specific topic
1. The Cry of the Earth and the Cry of the Poor 00:00
2. Texts and Tradition 03:01
3. Spirituality and “The New Story” 10:55
4. Areas of Concern is 4 21:32
5. Writings and Teachings 29:01
6. Reflections and Hopes 43:44