More Movies and Documentaries (2)

Return of the River

Return of the River is a feature documentary that tells the story of the largest dam removal and river restoration project in history, currently unfolding
on the Elwha River in Washington State.


Return of the River, official trailer from Jessica Plumb on Vimeo.

Catching the Sun


Catching the Sun Trailer from Shalini Kantayya on Vimeo.

Cheshire Ohio

'For $20 Million, a Coal Utility Bought an Ohio Town and a Clear Conscience' Read more here

Cheshire Ohio opening from EVENFALL on Vimeo.

10 Billion What’s On Your Plate

In 2050, the population of the world is set to hit a staggering 10 billion. According to experts, this, coupled with climate and soil challenges, will lead
to serious food shortages.

Meeting organic farmers and agro-industry speculators, and visiting urban gardens and commercial slaughterhouses, Valentin discovers that the
future of food will be something previously thought unimaginable.


The Rainforests are Under Threat

A new documentary underscoring the threats facing the rainforest in Peru, the perpetuation of climate change, and the people who are fighting
to protect it.
