Mercy Global Presence (MGP): An Overview of the Process

On 14 May, 2021, Elizabeth Davis rsm, Members' Representative on the Mercy Global Presence (MGP) Guiding Team, presented via zoom an overview of the MGP process to Board Directors and Mercy Leaders (Members). Berneice Loch rsm (CEO MIA) and Anne Walsh (MGP Communications), the other members of the MGP Guiding Team, were also present.

Elizabeth began her presentation by situating the Mercy Global Presence process. MGP grew out of a previous process – the Mercy International Reflection Process (2015-2016) which had its origins in a gathering of Mercy Researchers at a conference in Burlingame in November 2007.

The focus of Mercy Global Presence is on one of the outcomes from the previous process: 'finding new language, new images, new theology, new spirituality and new ministry in this new time'.

We invite you to watch the video and take the journey of exploration with us.