Main Menu: Topics
Responses by all Speakers on a particular topic have been collated here. To listen to a particular speaker's response on a topic, simply click on their name under your chosen topic below. This will locate their response within their full length interview. Then click play on the video play bar.
Theme: 'The Cry of the Earth and the Cry of the Poor'
Texts and Traditions
- Sheila Curran RSM
- Traditions - Teachings
- Gospel Texts Woman at the Well
- Denis Edwards
- Margaret Farley RSM
- John F Haught
- Elizabeth A Johnson CSJ
- Veronica Lawson RSM
- An Approach to Biblical Texts
- Biblical Texts Luke Ch 10: 25-37
- Seán McDonagh SSC
- Nellie McLaughlin RSM
- Scholasticah Nganda RSM
- Patricia Powell RSM
- Mary Reynolds RSM
- Mary C. Sullivan RSM
- Drawing on Catherine McAuley's Writings
- Drawing on Catherine McAuley's Spirituality
- Julia Upton RSM
- Elaine Wainwright RSM
- Biblical Texts - Hosea Chapter 2
- Biblical Texts - Matthew 26: 6-13
Areas of Concern
- Sheila Curran RSM
- Denis Edwards
- General
- Climate Change
- Margaret Farley RSM
- Ecological Restoration
- Water
- John F Haught
- Forced Homelessness
- Elizabeth A Johnson CSJ
- Environmental Devastation
- Water
- Veronica Lawson RSM
- Seán McDonagh SSC
- Nellie McLaughlin RSM
- Scholasticah Nganda RSM
- Patricia Powell RSM
- Mary Reynolds RSM
- MIA Vision and Areas of Concern
- Areas of Focus - Environment, Migration, Human Trafficking
- MIA Global Action – Water, Mining
- Mary C. Sullivan RSM
- Water
- Climate Change
- Julia Upton RSM
- Water
- Sustainability
- Elaine Wainwright RSM
Writings and Teachings
- Sheila Curran RSM
- Denis Edwards
- Margaret Farley RSM
- John F Haught
- Ecology and Christian Theology
- Christianity and Ecological Responsibility
- Science and Theology
- God as Creator
- Science and Faith
- Elizabeth A Johnson CSJ
- Veronica Lawson RSM
- Seán McDonagh SSC
- Nellie McLaughlin RSM
- Scholasticah Nganda RSM
- Patricia Powell RSM
- Mary Reynolds RSM
- Mary C. Sullivan RSM
- Julia Upton RSM
- Elaine Wainwright RSM
Hopes and Reflections
- Sheila Curran RSM
- Reflections of the Process - English
- Reflections of the Process - Spanish
- Denis Edwards
- Margaret Farley RSM
- John F Haught
- The Mercy International Reflection Process
- Expression of Appreciation
- Elizabeth A Johnson CSJ
- Veronica Lawson RSM
- Seán McDonagh SSC
- Nellie McLaughlin RSM
- Scholasticah Nganda RSM
- Our Common Home
- General
- Patricia Powell RSM
- Mary Reynolds RSM
- Mary C. Sullivan RSM
- Julia Upton RSM
- Reflections on the Mercy Process
- Reflections and Hopes
- Elaine Wainwright RSM