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Some Speakers addressed other topics. These can be found on this page ordered under the Speaker's names.
To listen to a particular speaker on a topic, simply click on your choice of topic under their name.
This will locate their response within their full length interview. Then click play on the video play bar.

Denis Edwards
 - Theological Perspectives
 - Theology and Science 
 - Creation, Incarnation, Holy Spirit
 - Athanasius and Incarnation

Elaine Wainwright RSM
 - Approach to Stage Three 

Seán McDonagh SSC
 - Formative Influences
 - Action for Justice
 - Ecological Awareness
 - Celtic Spirituality and Creation

Margaret Farley RSM
 - Ideas Matter
 - Participation and the Environment
 - Intrinsic Value
 - Moral Discernment
 - Christology
 - Ecological Theology and Environmental Ethics

Sheila Curran RSM
 - Resources, Power and Access

Elizabeth A. Johnson CSJ
 - Science and Theology
 - Creation and Incarnation

John F. Haught
 - Teilhard De Chardin

Nellie McLaughlin RSM
 - Spirituality and “The New Story”

Patricia Powell RSM
 - Indigenous Spirituality
 - Patriarchy
 - Establishing Rahamim Ecology Centre
 - Spirituality 
 - The Universe Study and the Economic Order
 - The Challenge

Julia Upton RSM
 - Reconciliation, Sacraments and Healing
 - Reflections on Ritual and Prayer
 - Ritualising Our Experience