Invitation: Be a Voice of Mercy on the Effects of Climate Change in Your Location

Tertiary level students, ages 18-20, studying in various disciplines at Holy Infant College, conducted by the Religious Sisters of Mercy (Philippines) in Tacloban City, were invited by Carmela Cabactulan rsm to share with the Mercy family on the impact of climate change in their local environment with reference to Laudato Si'

We wish to hear  More Mercy Voices sharing from your personal experience about the impact of climate change on your location and people and making reference to Laudato Si’. We believe these could be useful resources for Stage Two of the Reflection Process as well as being generally very important.

There are a few ways it could happen:
-Be filmed by someone who has a smartphone or tablet and can record you talking using the video setting. Or there might be someone you know with a Digital camera that has video capacity
-Recording using the recording app on a smartphone or using recording software such as Audacity (a free open source, cross-platform software for recording and editing sounds on a desk top or lap top) and supplying some photos to accompany the talk.
- Creating a powerpoint with images and accompanying text.

There are a number of online helps for making a short film with your smartphone should you want to refine your technique, but we aren't looking for, or expecting Hollywood masterpieces. We hope for focussed pictures, steady images and clear audio.

Some of the helps available online helps should you require them:

We don’t envisage you needing to talk at great length. Two or three minutes would be fine (can be longer if you wish). Just as long as you need to address the issue. 

So this is not a request to organise a professional camera shoot or a major production. Just to record and share your personal reflections using accessible and available digital devices.

You could then send me the file by WeTransfer or Dropbox.

Messages to: Anne Walsh - Communications Director Mercy International Reflection Process