Earth and Integral Ecology by Mary Sullivan rsm
“Earth and Integral Ecology” is a huge topic, and since this reflection is limited to five (5) minutes, I will refrain from considering many sub-topics, and focus intently on the main and urgent action to which the Mercy Family is presently called: integral ecological conversion.
The Sisters of Mercy and the whole Mercy Family talk frequently about “conversion”. We may think we have already yielded to it; we may soften or limit its meaning, and think that we’ve “done it.”
But have we, in face of the current, widespread, and severe degradation of Earth and the cries of all its vulnerable life, really surrendered ourselves to the thorough ecological conversion that these realities demand? Or have we, so far, only tinkered around the edges, done a few necessary, but relatively convenient “ecological things” – recycled a few cans and plastic bags -- and then rested upon our oars?...