Catherine's Call
'...I believe we find in Catherine’s response both the heart of her call and the point of integration in her spirituality...
Catherine McAuley was one who allowed the experiences of her life to teach and to guide her, one who, I like to say, was a recycler – taking what was given to her, wrapping it in the mercy of God she had experienced, and then finding a way to pass it on. Because she had experienced so clearly in her own life the providential care of God, she experienced also the need to reach out to others in the same way...'
Presentation on 'Catherine's Call' given by Sheila Carney rsm (Americas) at the Symposium - Getting to know Catherine McAuley, organised by the Congregation of the Sisters of Mercy. Held at Iontas Centre, Castleblayney, Co Monaghan, Ireland on 25 April, 2009. Further information about the Symposium can be read here
Additional presentations given at the Symposium can be accessed from the list in the right side navigation on this page.
Video length: 19:41