Carol Rittner rsm Speaker at Official Commemoration of International Holocaust Memorial Day 2021

The Living History Forum, Stockholm, Sweden, a Swedish government public agency, invited Carol Rittner, R.S.M. (USA) to be its international special guest to speak at the official commemoration of International Holocaust Memorial Day which is held each year on January 27th. Recent previous special guests include Professors Jan Grabowski (2020), Deborah Lipstadt (2019), and Yehuda Bauer (2018).

Ordinarily, the commemoration ceremony is held outdoors at the Raoul Wallenberg Square in the heart of Stockholm, followed by a speech at the Great Synagogue nearby. The ceremonies are attended by representatives from the Swedish government, the Royal Family, the Parliament, the Municipality, Jewish and Roma groups, schools and universities, Churches, and the general public from across Sweden.

In addition to the program on Holocaust Memorial Day, the international special guest takes part in a series of programs with the Swedish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Archbishop of the Swedish Lutheran Church (currently a woman, Archbishop Antje Jackelén), and educational and academic institutions affiliated with the Living History Forum.

Because of the coronavirus pandemic, all these activities, including the official Swedish commemoration of the Holocaust, are being done via Zoom sessions. Here is Sister Carol’s talk for the January 27th ceremony commemorating the Holocaust, Neighborliness: The Courage to Care.

Messages to: Carol Rittner rsm - Distinguished Professor of Holocaust & Genocide Studies Emerita, and Dr. Marsha Raticoff Grossman Professor of Holocaust Studies Emerita Stockton University

Advancing Holocaust Studies, edited by Carol Rittner rsm, John K Roth

Advancing Holocaust Studies (Routledge Studies in Second World War History) 1st Edition by Carol Rittner (Editor)