2013 - Touched by the Holy: Contemplation, Gratitude, and Compassion

Watering the Roots at the Wellspring of Mercy, June 23-28, 2013. Overview of the Week Three programme. Presenter: Janet Ruffing rsm (Americas)

Participants will explore the deep roots of mercy spirituality in the interpenetration of contemplation and action in our lives as women in the church today. We will explore the mystical roots of compassion with guidance from Julian of Norwich and Meister Eckhart, the healing of the soul wounds inflicted on the feminine through exploring Teresa of Avila, and the relationship between non-violence and compassion in Catherine McAuley and Julian of Norwich. Finally, we will ponder the mystery of "joys and sorrows mingled" as we embrace the prophetic dimensions of our service to church and world.

There are 13 videos in this resource.

Touched by the Holy: Part 1. Length:21:54

Touched by the Holy: Part 2. Length:27:29

The God Quest and the Gift of Religious Life to the Church. Length: 10:49

The God Quest, continued. Length:29:40

Contemplation, Transformation, and Prophetic Life-form. Length:39:22

Discussion and Reflection on Transformation. Length: 23:54

Walking on the Waters of Gratitude. Length: 36:32

God’s Compassionate Heart. Length:50:38

Teresa of Avila and the Dark Night of the Feminine Divine. Length: 46:20

Catherine and Non-Violence – Part 1. Length: 49:53

Catherine and Non- violence - Part II. Length: 23:29

Julian and Non-Violence. Length:44:32