2013 - Reading the Gospel of Luke from Earth's Perspective

Watering the Roots at the Wellspring of Mercy, June 9-14, 2013. Overview of the Week Two programme. Presenter: Veronica Lawson rsm (ISMAPNG).

The Lukan narrative, with its emphasis on mercy and compassion, has a particular resonance for us as Sisters of Mercy who have committed ourselves to a mercy way of life in an Earth community “being shattered by displacement”. During this week, we will reflect on the contemporary experience of displacement and bring that experience into dialogue with Lukan stories of mercy, compassion, justice and liberation against the backdrop of the Hebrew Bible.

There are 12 videos and a number of documents that comprise this online resource.

Opening Reflection

Length: 20:45

Theological Reflection Process

Length: 8:25

Our Earth Community

Length: 11:39

The Attractor and the Energy of Love: Trinity in Evolutionary and Ecological Context "An Earth Community Being Shattered by Displacement”: Mercy Perspectives
How do we read the Biblical text?

Length: 14:56

Reading Luke's Story

Length: 29:59

The Parable of the Good Samaritan

Length: 23:34


Length: 10:53

Exploring the Text (Part 1)

Length: 35:08

Exploring the Text (Part 2)

Length: 30:22

Acts of the Apostles- Tabitha's Story (Part 1)

Length: 26:56

Acts of the Apostles- Tabitha's Story (Part 2)

Length: 27:15

The Prodigal Son

Length: 27:09