2012 - The fire Christ cast upon earth is kindling - Being Mercy Women

Almost two thousand years ago, Jesus exclaimed, " I came to bring fire to the earth and how I wish it were already kindled!" ( Lk 12:49). Almost two hundred years ago, Catherine answered, "The fire Christ cast upon the earth is kindling very fast."

Today, women religious who echo Catherine's charism in a new age marked by intense social change and growing fragility of earth are challenged to be that mercy fire kindling.

During the week of July 1-6, 2012, the first week of the "Watering the Roots at the Wellspring of Mercy" 2012 programme at Mercy International Centre, sessions focussed on the mosaic of the realities of our earth, our society, our church and our communities - the context in which we are kindling mercy fire. Participants reflected on God's word in today's scriptures, including the Earth Charter, the Millenium Development Goals, the Decalogue of Assisi for Peace, Our Global Neighbourhood, and Caritas in Veritate. They explored the new understanding of the power of diversity and rejoiced in the emerging signs of transformation among us.

The two video clips made available here were filmed on Day 5 of the week's programme and should be viewed sequentially.

Day 5, Session 1. Length: 38:01

Day 5, Session 1. Length: 16:35