2012 - Blessed are the Merciful: Exploring embodied mercy

We bring to this week (July 8-13, 2012) years of reflection on what it means to be/to live mercy in today’s world. This reflection has been and is embodied in us. It finds expression in the materiality of our bodies as these engage the materiality of others in both the human and the other-than-human worlds that we in-habit.

During this week we will bring these reflections into dialogue with the beatitude of mercy in the context of the other beatitudes and of the Gospel of Matthew. The particular focus will be the ways different Gospel characters together with Jesus embody mercy and also the ways Earth and all its constituents are likewise embodied in this story of mercy.

The two video clips made available here were filmed on two separate days: Day 1(Introduction) and Day 5 (Session 1) of the week's programme and should be viewed sequentially.

Day 1 Introduction. Length: 24:53

Day 5, Session 1. Length: 46:52