In recent years, Mercy Global Action has expanded its work to include a third priority area: women's leadership. This reflects the long history of advocacy and ministry work undertaken in this area by members of the global Mercy community in the spirit of Catherine McAuley. This priority area also acknowledges the significant work still to be done in achieving true equality, safety and sustainable change for women and girls in all their diversity throughout the world.

Mercy Global Action Emerging Leaders Fellowship

In 2018, Mercy Global Action launched the MGA Emerging Leaders Fellowship otherwise known as MELF), a transformational leadership formation program for women passionate about advancing Mercy and justice throughout the world. This year-long program is a special opportunity for both vowed and lay women of Mercy to build on their existing leadership skills in building networks, connecting with grassroots voices and initiating research and action for global justice.

No work of charity can be more productive of good to society or more conducive to the happiness of the poor that the careful instruction of women, since whatever be the station they are destined to fill, their example and advice will always possess influence." Catherine McAuley

Women in Justice Leadership Task Force

The Women in Justice Leadership Task Force was established in October 2023 and comprises women from around the world, all of whom work or advocate in the space of women, justice and poverty. Members bring their unique experience and expertise to the creation of a targeted advocacy campaign in preparation for the 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence and the 75th Anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

Generation Equality Forum

Generation Equality is the world’s leading initiative to accelerate investment and implementation on gender equality. Convened by UN Women, the initiative aims to ensure that the bold ambitions of the 1995 Beijing Platform for Action on women’s rights are finally implemented, and that the Sustainable Development Goals are achieved. Generation Equality was launched in 2021 at the Generation Equality Forum hosted in Mexico City and Paris, which led to a 5-year action agenda encapsulated in a Global Acceleration Plan for gender equality.

As a signatory to Generation Equality through the Feminist Movements and Leadership Action Coalition, Mercy Global Action commits to building the capacities of women within our organisation through the Mercy Global Action Emerging Leaders Fellowship, supporting these women as they work for peace and justice in their respective fields and become our future Mercy leaders.

Learn More About Generation Equality