United Nations Advocacy

Mercy Global Action’s advocacy at the United Nations is accomplished primarily in collaboration with civil society partners through NGO Committees and working groups, through engagement with UN Member State delegations and UN agencies, and through the submission of reports and statements. Mercy Global Action  brings the grassroots experience of its members worldwide to bear on the decision-making and policy agenda of the global community.

United Nations Statements and Interventions

NGOs enjoying Special Consultative Status through ECOSOC at the United Nations are entitled to make formal written interventions in UN spaces, including UN Commissions and UN Intergovernmental negotiations and meetings open to ECOSOC accredited NGOs.

MGA's United Nation's Network

Mercy Global Action is members of the following coalitions and partnerships:

  • NGO Committee on Migration: The mission of the NGO Committee on Migration is to encourage the protection and promotion of the human rights of people on the move (migrants, refugees, asylum-seekers, internally-displaced persons, trafficked persons, stateless persons, etc.) in accordance with the United Nations Charter. Cecilie Kern, MGA’s Global Policy and Research Advocate, is currently Chair of the Executive Committee of the Committee on Migration.
  • Committee for Social Development: The NGO Committee for Social Development advocates and raises awareness of social development issues for a world of true prosperity without poverty, inclusion, and justice for all. The Committee is working towards the World Social Summit (2025) and it seeks to engage NGOs through the work of the Commission for Social Development, highlighting best practices, and bringing a diversity of voices to the United Nations. Angela Reed rsm, Head of MGA, is currently a Member at Large on the Executive Committee of the Committee for Social Development.
  • Committee to Stop Trafficking In Persons: The NGO Committee to Stop Trafficking in Persons is committed to the prevention and eradication of human trafficking in all its forms through advocacy and education. The Committee recognizes trafficking in persons as a violation of human rights and advocates for policy and action plans to address all aspects of human trafficking.
  • Mining Working Group:  The Mining Working Group advocates at and through the United Nations for human and environmental rights as related to extractive industries, in partnership with its members and affected local communities. The Mining Working Group addresses unjust and unsustainable extractive practices and policies through the lens of the rights of local communities and indigenous peoples and Earth’s carrying capacity.
  • Working Group to End Homelessness:  The UN NGO Working Group to End Homelessness is a coalition that works to advocate at the United Nations for persons who are vulnerable, pursuing the human right to adequate housing for all and to end homelessness, so that all people can realize their full human rights and potential, and flourish. An essential aspect of the Working Group to End Homelessness8 is its inclusion of the voice of people who have experienced homelessness and housing insecurity.