Priority Justice Issues

MIA - Mercy Global Action commits yearly to focusing on three priority justice issues. These issues focus on the needs of our global society today. Throughout the year, the Mercy Global Action team works to provide educational resources focused on these issues, as well as advocate at the United Nations for just policies and laws related to these areas. To learn more about a specific issue, click the 'find out more' links below. If you are interested in hearing more about these issues from the Mercy Global Action team, visit our programmes page to sign-up for a workshop.

Recent Publications

View MGA’s recent research, analysis, and insight spanning topics in our Priority Justice Issues & Theme Areas.

From Sparks to Fire: A Guide to Justice Advocacy for the Global Mercy Community

From Sparks to Fire: A Guide to Justice Advocacy for the Global Mercy Community

Released on Mercy Day 2023, the Guide is a culmination of years of learning, research and experience working with grassroots organisations and institutional players at the United Nations. It is aimed at anyone interested or engaged in justice advocacy, particularly those working through a Mercy lens. The Guide is intended for a wide viewership, including ministry and congregational leaders, activists and students. 

Breaking Boundaries

Breaking Boundaries

On the occasion of Mercy Day on 24 September and the World Day for Migrants and Refugees on 25 September, the Mercy Global Action Migration Task Force launched, Breaking Boundaries: A Mercy Response to People on the Move.

Hope in a Time of Pandemic

Hope in a Time of Pandemic

Beginning in 2020, it was evident that a fourth focus area was needed to accommodate the global reality of justice issues during the pademic. The team at Mercy Global Action has worked carefully to identify and address justice issues both created and exacerbated by COVID-19. 

Inherent Dignity

Inherent Dignity

“Inherent Dignity”, an advocacy guidebook to preventing trafficking for the purpose of sexual exploitation and to realising the human rights of women and girls throughout their lives. The guidebook was born from extensive research which exposed how most survivors of human trafficking experience cumulative disadvantage and marginalisation over their lifetime, caused by multiple breaches in international human rights law. The guide aims to “challenge the current discourse on human trafficking which, more often than not, describes trafficking as a single isolated event,”

Mercy Global Action Theme Areas

Sisters of Mercy and partners-in- Mercy were invited in the Jubilee Year of Mercy (2016) to participate in a worldwide reflection process to discern together globally a shared response to the 'cry of Earth and the cry of the Poor'. New visions and commitments to action under two, often intersecting, theme areas: (i) displacement of Persons, and (ii) degradation of Earth, emerged from the process. Mercy international Association is committed to addressing these identified forms of injustice.

Addressing Degradation of Earth

Climate change, rising temperatures, erratic and unpredictable rainfall and the frequency of extreme weather events are among the indicators that global actions are required if we are to achieve a better future for the planet.

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Addressing Displacement of Persons

Solidarity, generosity, recognition of our common humanity and acceptance of responsibility - these are all necessary if we are to find solutions to the global crisis of displacement.

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Mercy Global Action Theme Areas

Gender-Based Violence

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Mercy Global Action Theme Areas


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Mercy Global Action Theme Areas

Human Trafficking

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Mercy Global Action Theme Areas

Refugees & Asylum Seekers

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Get Involved

Sisters of Mercy and our partners-in-Mercy work, pray and act for justice in over 40 countries. Find out about our thematic concerns and become part of a global movement for the rights of people and the planet.