Sisters of Mercy Continue the Ministry of Outreach to Distressed Women Today by Opposing Human Trafficking

Touched by God’s mercy and compassion and fired by the inspiration of the Gospel and Catherine McAuley, Sisters of Mercy collaborate with others who strive for justice to oppose all forms of human trafficking and exploitation.

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“The trade in human persons constitutes a shocking offence against human dignity and a grave violation of fundamental human rights” (John Paul II, Letter, May 15, 2002). Our Mercy charism demands of us a response, that we hear the cries of those who are trafficked, support them, and work with them and others to expose and eradicate the injustice, indignity and violence that they suffer.

We are informed by our ongoing work with trafficked people and the legal and working definition of ‘trafficking in persons’ in the United Nations Palermo Protocol (2000). Our commitment to God’s mercy and the proclamation of God’s reign impels us to strive for the flourishing of all humanity and all of creation.