
There is a growing tendency, despite its scarcity, to privatize this resource, turning it into a commodity subject to the laws of the market. Yet access to safe drinkable water is a basic and universal human right, since it is essential to human survival and, as such, is a condition for the exercise of other human rights.

Pope Francis, Laudato Si'

Mercy Global Action focuses on the human right to water and sanitation for all, with particular attention to those most disadvantaged and marginalised. Read more about water justice, find resources, and learn how MGA advocates for rights-based policies that honor the multiple values of water...

The Mercy Water Campaign

In preparation for the 2023 UN Water Conference, the first of its kind since 1977, Mercy Global Action organised a Water Task Force. This was a particularly important moment for water advocacy because it served as the midterm review of the UN Water Action Decade and the implementation of SDG 6: 'clean water and sanitation for all', which are significantly behind. Consisting of a dedicated team of Mercy Sisters, Associates, and Partners in Ministry from around the world, the Water Task Force worked diligently over several months to produce the Mercy Water Campaign.

The Mercy Water Campaign advocates for the human rights to water and sanitation, and against the commodification, degradation, and depletion of Earth’s precious water sources. The campaign toolkit consists of a library of water resources, a video series of people from across the Mercy World speaking to the non-economic values of water, advocacy actions for SDG 6, and most importantly, Mercy’s very own commitment to the UN Water Action Agenda: the Mercy Water Justice Coalition!

On World Water Day 2024, MGA officially launched the Mercy Water Justice Coalition. The aim of this Coalition is to identify 'Mercy Water Leaders' in all regions of the Mercy World. They will be individuals who have an identified interest in water issues and are motivated to work alongside the MGA team to create and implement a 'Water Action Agenda' within their Mercy community – whether it be a school, university, congregation, or other organisation. Click below to read the guide and see how you can put your organisation on the map as part of this global initiative!

The Mercy Water Campaign