M Frances Warde
June 30

One question proposed with simplicity is often the occasion of many instructions.

M Frances Warde

May 28

Our story shows a growing awareness of the injustices in our own hearts as well as in the political and economic structures in our country and world.

Gabrielle Jennings

May 27

No work of charity can be more productive of good to society ... than the careful instruction of women..

Catherine McAuley

May 26

Availability and sensitivity to the needs of others are features of Catherine’s legacy.

Angela Bolster

May 25

My God, I am Thine for all eternity; teach me to cast my whole self into the arms of Thy Providence.

Catherine McAuley

May 24

Hurrah for foundations! Makes the old young and the young merry.

Catherine McAuley

May 23

Catherine believed deeply in the enabling fire of God’s love.

Mary Sullivan

May 22

We should consider a good spiritual book as a letter sent from Heaven.

M Frances Warde

May 21

Help me to be quick to see and ready to encourage whatever brings the laughter of God into an otherwise uninspired day.

Dorothy Kline

May 20

How do we expect to take up our cross and follow Christ if we are not to meet with it in those with whom we are associated?

Catherine McAuley

May 19

Prayer will do more ... than all the money in the Bank of Ireland.

Catherine McAuley

May 18

Catherine had the eye of a utilitarian rather than a poet.

M Bertrand Degnan

May 17

Catherine discovered mercy at work in her life, experiencing within her concrete situation her own need.

M Joanna Regan

May 16

Catherine’s confidence in God’s guidance gave her courage to take extraordinary risks.

M Carmel Bourke

May 15

The joys of my state are many, and I feel the most lively gratitude.

Catherine McAuley

May 14

May God do with each of us whatever will tend to his greater glory.

M Cecilia Maher

May 13

We should receive all things as coming from the hand of God who sends them with tender love for our good.

M Frances Warde