Sunday 28 February 1909
Establishment of Mercy Teachers College, Ascot Vale - M Patricia O'Neill
June 03, 1842

Foundation to Newfoundland from Baggot St - M Frances Creedon

June 04, 1876

Foundation to Burlington, Vermont

June 04, 1829

Blessing of Baggot St chapel - Dr Blake preached

June 05, 1829

Fr L'Estrange said Mass in Chapel at Baggot St, served by Daniel O'Connell

June 05, 1865

Foundation to Swinford from Tuam - M Aloysius Martyn

June 06, 1883

Foundation to Tulla, Co Clare from Birr - M Anastasia Beckett

June 06, 1841

Rule and Constitution approved by Pope Gregory XVI

June 06, 1879

Foundation to Dubuque, Iowa from Davenport Iowa motherhouse - M Agatha Murphy

June 07, 1941

Amalgamation of Adelaide and Mt Gambier St

June 08, 1815

Birth of Sr Angela Borini, Foundress of Nottingham, Barnsley and Oldham in Birmingham

June 09, 1891

Opening of House of Mercy, Carrick-on-Suir - M of Sacred Heart Maddock

June 09, 1881

Foundation to Roma, Queensland from Brisbane - M Xavier Kenyon

June 09, 1857

Foundation to Rochester, New York from Rhode Island - M Frances Warde/M Baptiste Coleman

June 09, 1885

Death of M Ursula Frayne, Foundress of Perth, Western Australia, and Melbourne, Victoria

June 09, 1868

Foundation to Strabane from Navan, Co Meath - M Xavier Brady

June 10, 2004

Pou Atawhai Centre for Leadership and Education for Mission, is commissioned in Ponsonby, Auckland to resource Mercy facilities.

June 11, 1852

Foundation to Brighton from Bermondsey, Srs Gabriel Watkins, Helen Ellis and Teresa Boyce

June 12, 1886

Foundation to Ballyporeen from Cahir, Co Tipperary

June 13, 1859

Bishop Jean Baptiste Pompallier hands over 18 acres of his Ponsonby, Auckland property to the Sisters of Mercy to build St Mary's Convent.

June 13, 1840

Mary Bourke, postulant died, Galway

June 14, 1861

Sr Bernard Dickson and founding party arrived in Wellington, New Zealand.

June 14, 1992

Opening of new Rehabilitation Centre, Athy, Co Kildare - M Consilio Fitzgerald

June 14, 1841

M Clare Moore returned from Bermondsey foundation, MC Agnew in charge

June 14, 1861

Foundation to Wellington from Auckland - M Bernard Dickson