Mother M. Stanislaus O’Malley

On November 7, 1921, Mother M. Stanislaus O’Malley, Foundress of the Sisters of Mercy in Vermont, passed to her eternal reward. She was born in Ireland in 1846; entered the Novitiate in Manchester, NH, where she received the habit and white veil in 1869 and was professed in 1871.

She was sent to Vermont as local superior of the first community of Sisters of Mercy; and, when this house was separated from Manchester in 1876, she was elected Superior, an office which she filled, with short intervals, for the greater part of her life.

During the pioneer days when trials and labours and sacrifices fell to her share, she displayed an uncommon spirit of patience, courage and endurance. She built Mount St. Mary Academy in 1885, which was a stupendous undertaking because of her limited means.

During the last ten years of her life she was confined to the infirmary, but she displayed the same interest in the community affairs as when in health. She retained her faculties until a few moments before her death, which was calm and peaceful, surrounded by the Sisters whom she loved and so long served.

From Mount Saint Mary Journal 1872 - 1922