Why a CD on the Letters of Catherine McAuley? Why make a CD on the letters of someone who died nearly 170 years ago?

The answer is very simple. Catherine McAuley’s humanity shines through every letter.

Listen for yourself and you too will find that the letters reveal a delightfully affectionate woman; a compassionate, persistent servant of the poor; an astute business woman; an unpretentious and humorous friend; a truly loving woman who opened her heart to God and her hands to the people around her; a woman who suffered but survived. A woman like any woman; a woman for all times and seasons.

There are 11 tracks on the CD which features excerpts from the letters of Catherine McAuley plus reflections, historical background and music.

The CD is available directly from The Congregation (Ireland) Office  or from the Mercy International Centre Gift Shop, either in person or online.

Price: EUR 10


The Congregation of the Sisters of Mercy (Ireland)