Sister Marilyn Lacey’s book, This Flowing Toward Me, (Ave Maria Press, 2009) brings the problems and the humanity of world migration into sharp, specific focus.

Marilyn describes a journey of discovery through her work with the poorest and often the most frightened people in the world—international immigrants and refugees. As she discovers the face of God in the displaced, she teaches us to honor the “wake flame” of God’s presence in our own lives and in those who are strangers to us. We meet the “lost Boys of Sudan,” who lived for years in refugee camps and the Thai family who stayed in the Burlingame Mercy convent, waiting for a home in America. We enjoy her humor and humility in her stories of trying to adapt to local customs, such as eating termites for lunch and living among locusts.

The book is a fitting introduction to her founding of the new nonprofitMercy Beyond Borders, whose mission is to partner with displaced women and children overseas in ways that help them move up from extreme poverty.


Price: USD 15.95


Sister Marilyn was Director of Refugee Services with Catholic Charities in San Jose, California after working in displaced persons camps in Africa and Asia. She was honored by the Dalai Lama as an “Unsung Hero of Compassion” in 2001. She now works full time to establish Mercy Beyond Borders,

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