The songs in this album take their inspiration from the work of Alexander Carmichael (1832 -1912), who spent a lifetime preserving the remarkable oral tradition of the Celtic Christians.  His six volumed work is perhaps the most outstanding achievement in Celtic literature and is an invaluable source for understanding Celtic spirituality.

Peace of God

In these musical settings it is hoped that the listener will be ale to enter the world of early Celtic Christians i.e. God's world, a creation where everything reflects the beauty and goodness of the Creator.

To order a copy of the CD, contact:

The Poor Clare Monastery
Faughart, Dundalk, Co. Louth, Ireland.
Tel: 353 42 937 1966
Fax: 353 42 937 1908


Price: EUR 15


Available online from Mercy International Centre Giftshop ( centre), 64A Lower Baggot Street, Dublin 2. Phone +353 1 661 8061.