Souvenirs of Spirit, is a collection of poems and prayers by Melbourne (Australia) Sister of Mercy, Mary Wickham rsm.

The poems reflect Mary’s interests: ministry to those on the edges of society, Celtic Spirituality, a love of nature, and a deep engagement with the mystery of God and God’s relationship with the world.

Included in this new collection of poetry by the author of In The Water Was The Fire, is a series of poems about Catherine McAuley’s first House of Mercy at Baggot St Dublin which may be of interest to those who have visited there and all those interested in the Mercy spirit.

Contact: Mary Wickham rsm for details


Price: AUD 20


Spectrum Publications

Spectrum Publications PTY LTD registered office:
Suite F5, 62 Wellington Prd.
East Melbourne 3002
Po Box 75, Richmond,Vic 3121
Telephone: (61) 03 9415 9750
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