The "Song of the Earth" album contains 12 songs composed by Dolores Nieratka rsm, Matt Michaels and Gary Leach.

The album, produced in 1991, addresses one of the most critical concerns of our times -- our relationship with the earth and all creation. The songs draw from sources such as Hildegard of Bingen, Julian of Norwich, Meister Eckhart, and the Native American tradition. The album contains the song "Spirit" ("El Spiritu") written to commemorate the founding of the new Institute of the Sisters of Mercy of the Americas.

"Song of the Earth" takes old and new wisdom and puts it into fresh, contemporary melodies and arrangements. It asks us to open eyes and ears to the wonders of God's gifts.

"Song of the Earth" is available on cassette tape for $9.00 and in a Songbook for $3.00. Costs for Shipping and Handling will be added.

Price: USD 9


Produced by Dolores Nieratka rsm, Sisters of Mercy of the Americas, Regional Community of Detroit, and Gary Leach.

To order, contact Brigid Johnson, RSM by email (, or write to:

843 Starkweather #1,
Plymouth, MI 48170

or call 734-455-8559.