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Submit a Bibliographical Item
Submit a book or article written by or about the Sister of Mercy
The following is an attempt to list all the published books, articles and multimedia productions by or about the Sisters of Mercy since the founding of the Congregation in 1831.
Mother Xavier Maguire: A Woman of Faith and Vision
Geelong, Victoria 2019
Florence Nightingale: Mystic, Visionary, Healer
Philadelphia: Springhouse, 2000.
A Sister of Mercy’s Memories of the Crimea
London: Burns & Oates, 1897.
Sister Mary Joseph Croke: Another voice from the Crimean War, 1854-1856
The Sisters of Mercy in the Crimean War
Cork: Mercier Press, 1962.
The Irish Sisters of Mercy in the Crimean War
Dublin: Irish Messenger, 1950.
A Crimean Veteran [M. Bernard Dickson]
Auckland: CPC, n.d.
Jurisprudence—A Collection of U.S. Tribunal Decisions
Canon Law Society of America, 2002.
The Tribunal Handbook
Canon Law Society of America, 2005.