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Submit a Bibliographical Item
Submit a book or article written by or about the Sister of Mercy
The following is an attempt to list all the published books, articles and multimedia productions by or about the Sisters of Mercy since the founding of the Congregation in 1831.
Mother Xavier Maguire: A Woman of Faith and Vision
Geelong, Victoria 2019
The Visual Arts: An Alternative Lens Through Which to Learn About Judaism
Expressions of Mercy: Brisbane’s Mater Hospitals 1906 – 2006
The Passion of the Christ: Cinematic Milestone or Just Another Jesus Movie
Towards a Creative Arts Approach to the Teaching of Religious Education with Special Reference to the Use of Film
Towards a Creative Arts Approach for the Teaching of Religious Education
Selling Jesus: Judas the Betrayer in Film
Teaching World Religions: Developing Critical Religious Literacy
Teaching Religion in Catholic Secondary Schools
Religious Education in Catholic Schools: An Introduction for Australian Schools. Ed. M. Ryan.