Out of WonderProduct: Out of Wonder - The Evolving Story of the Universe

By: Nellie McLaughlin rsm

Nellie Mc Laughlin rsm, a native of Culdaff, Inishowen, Co. Donegal, is a member of the Congregation of the Sisters of Mercy, Northern Province, Ireland. Having grown up on a farm she is delighted to be back on the land. Her love of life and her early interest in geology/geography, which was nurtured through learning and reflection on life’s experience, have lead to the discovery of the story of the universe as a new transforming context for living. Nellie works in cosmology, ecology and sustainable living throughout Ireland and is currently presenting The New Cosmology as a Basis for Ecological Thinking and Action on the MA in Ecology and Religion Programme at Dalgan Park, Navan, Ireland.

Out of Wondertakes the reader on a journey through life in the Universe from its initial ‘flaring forth’ to the present day; in so doing, she presents a passionately-argued case for the need to care for the Earth, which has supported life for aeons.

 Reprinted February 2009

Price: EUR 14.95


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