
Launched 3 December 2019, 160 years to the day of the arrival in Geelong, Victoria, of M. Xavier and her five companions: M. Gabriel Sherlock, Sisters Mary Margaret Mullaly, Mary Regis Manley, Mary Rose Lynch and Mary Aloysius Ryan (novice).


Introduction- 2

Chapter 1Context and Family- 8

Chapter 2Sisters of Mercy- 16

Chapter 3Geelong - Establishment- 28

Chapter 4: Geelong - Consolidation- 40

Chapter 5: Works of Mercy- 66

Chapter 6: Contributions and Influence- 88




1. Some Recent Studies of Women's Religious Congregations in Australia -123

2. Histories of Australian Mercy Congregations-124

3. Entrances and professions-125

4. Convent of Mercy, Geelong-Community Members 1879-125

5. Selected Letters of Mother Xavier Maguire - 126

'Mother Xavier Maguire belongs to a largely unsung host of women religious who have contributed so much to the development of the Catholic Church and also to the life of the nation. Her legacy as a Sister of Mercy is one of inspiring leadership, facing all obstacles with courage and stamina to bring her vision to reality.'

Helen Mary Delaney rsm, Author

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